Join us for a CASA Cafe – The Batterer Intervention & Prevention Program (BIPP)
This program is designed to educate and rehabilitate the batterer. Some participate voluntarily, some under court order for their service plan. Either way, the goal of BIPP is to change offender thinking and behavior with the result that they are held accountable, victim safety is enhanced, and to decrease the likelihood of further violence.
The main purpose of BIPP is to assist batterers in learning skills for nonviolence. And this 24-week course is designed to teach offenders to monitor their actions and to understand their feelings when they become violent, such as anger, inadequacy, jealousy, or the need to control. It will often help offenders understand the root of their impulses and violent habits and emphasize that while a batterer may feel angry or upset, he/she remains responsible for their own actions and that the use of violence or other forms of abuse is a personal choice.
It’s designed to increase empathy for and understanding of the offender’s partner and children; to learn skills for managing intense emotions and learn communication and conflict management. They practice ways to develop healthy relationship interactions that promote growth, respect and satisfaction.
The BIPP program is offered through The Ministry of Counseling in Abilene and requires a commitment of time to complete the 24-week course, and a financial commitment. A portion of the fee may be covered by the court service plan, but the batterer must pay a portion themselves as a commitment to making true change.